What is Biotr.link?
Created on 28 May, 2022 • 8,435 views • 1 minutes read
A brief introduction about biotr.link and it's features
Hi! You probably wanna know what we are and what you can do to benefit from us and how.
We provide you a single link called the bio link which is actually a branch of links. A single link to
everything you are associated to online, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others.
Yes, just one link for all those accounts.
To put it in simple words biotr.link provides you a single link to every profile, website, every project
you have online in just one click. Of course you get to choose what to include and what not to. Kinda
digital ID to your online profiles.
That’s not it, there is more, unlimited project links, unlimited shortened links. Best part you can
actually earn form those shortened links just by sharing shortened links and every unique click on
the link will earn you extra bucks while being able to keep track of it. How amazing is that?
There are more features to Biotr.link like music and video embeds, SEO features all just a sign up
away while it is easily manageable. Moreover we prioritize on privacy as it is non-negotiable.
Biotr.link is completely Safe and reliable for you as well as your audience.
Yeah! We know its supercool.
Oh yeah, plans. Monthly plans, annually or lifetime and you can chose plans according to the needs
and features you want. We also have a trial plan. Ain’t that great?
Lets get started.. Sign up with us and there is no looking back.